Sunday, September 10, 2006

"If you ain't saying nothing you the system's accomplice"

As mentioned in the previous post, I've presented my first piece of writing to workshop. It was a modified version of a poem you can read in the aforementioned post as well.
The reaction was positive all around. The girl that has something negative to say about everyone's work seemed to really like it. The out of place (look who's talking) guy who never says anything talked for several minutes about it and actually starting talking about his personal life. He thought the frustration and impatience I expressed in it were particularly poignant. The professor, contrary to his normal MO, went around the room asking every student what they thought of it (usually he simply allows the conversation to arise organically). He also changed our reading assignment after discussing my poem because he thought we were ready for "poems that are about ideas". This was all very encouraging to me, and I'm starting to feel like I'm doing the right thing.
I volunteered to be the first person to present material for workshop in my fiction class as well. So we'll see how that goes.