Monday, June 12, 2006

A Spastic Memoir, I

I can't think about the book right now, my thoughts are way to focused on my own life. Call it selfishness, but now's a time of great reflection. I msy live in shame by the end of the summer, unless a modification can be accepted by the committee.

A few years ago, before anyone reading this really knew me, I lived in a cramped suburb of Detroit, suckling good times from whatever narcotics passed my way and secretly writing a big stupid novel that anyone who wants can read here . I was going to write some comment on these years but realized this highly fictionalized account explains my mind state at the time better than any truthful attempt could. It's a mess, 40,000 completely unedited words on one page. Good Luck.


Anonymous said...

I like the constant updates..thanks for making work much less productive


J.K.Scott said...

State your modification; you now as well as anybody what will fly. Too many modifications are dangerous, and yet your reflective mood will end soon enough and you risk missing the point...