Saturday, April 19, 2008

The two proposition, self-cancelling structure

We only let the experts conduct research, design experiments, plumb the depths for new factoids. The remainder are to sit in stiff chairs and take notes, dutifully repeat their interpretations and calculations. In free time, grant the kids rooms to smoke and hypothesize in. Let them there ask their questions and fill their whiteboards and laugh at each other when the whole thing goes surreal. The results of any other approach are a tangle, unreliable, executed with hands trembling in excitement. 've got to demonstrate patience before you can actualize the Flow and let the well-honed subconscious automate the details. And in writing maybe it is the same. Donning a white lab coat now to find out.

I prefer the winter, it seems. 15 hours of daylight is enough to almost drag me out into it. The circumspect sun and the smell of spring things bursting and mountain air inflating corrupted lungs; that is all in my phylogeny. But the cold and the dark: 70,000 years ago this is what we lived in, and this is how we were tested. Bottleneck down to 15 thou-, trim off the weakest limbs, teach the sturdiest boughs how to scrabble through anything.

But then again, its coming the time for ill-advised trips out of the city. Into mountains and deserts and maybe bigger cities with more than one area code. Get to see my boy for the first time in a while, more than that we'll spend some 'quality time' . . .like ID has custody and this visit will be unsupervised.