Monday, May 22, 2006

Summer Challenge

Below is a table detailing the goals for the participants in the Summer Challenge. These goals are to be completed by or maintained until 9/1/2006. To the winners, the glory of a life well-lived. To the losers, a shame to beat all shames. Good luck! If you'd like the code for this table or if you have updates, let me know!

Summer Challenge
Brad140pgs. complete on novel35pgs
Joe12hrs/week guitar---
ChrisInt'l Travel II---
AlanLike 5 rap albumsATCQ: Low-end Theory
Alyssa16 works of art---
TiffanyGlorious adventure w/Chris---
Joe O.Mackinac Race II---
RyanBe 180 lbs.---
Matt50 pgs of Existential journal---
AlishaDrink a 40oz
Do a kegstand
Write some stories

Good Luck!