Monday, January 30, 2006

"The Name is Mine, I'll Take Blame for That"

Washed off the humanity, only to reinvigorate those tendencies to sit still, be cajoled, and eat too much. See, simultaneously we collectively, figuratively bend light with our gravity; howe'er as individuals squander near everything.
The name, tkhoveringhead, indicates a euphemistic sci-fi path for us. TK is for telekinesis (the comic book ability to, effectively, move things with the mind), hovering head is substantially more obvious. Barring human extinction, human beings will inevitably have a decision to make between retaining our bodies, social constructs, identities, flaws, etc or leaving the body altogether. Tkhoveringhead (the human body being replaced by a telekinetic hovering head) is a carcicature of the eventual future, though its far more likely that we'll be an electronic entity rather than the sort of mutant the name describes.

Current religio-political issues that dominate conversation in 2005-6 reiterate the importance of preparing for this leap. Many of our collective decisions are influenced by those who put the highest value on figments of their imagination, painfully shortsighted "morals", their personal emotional rocketship, or simply a lack of vision. Currently, knowledge of human genetics are used for developing therapies and spotting problems before they happen. It is presupposed that not only could genetic problems be "edited" during the early embryological processes, but that enhancements could be made to even the most fit genetic profile. Without doubt, this is tricky ground. The people with the knowledge and resources to support genetic enhancements/perfections will have hefty responsibilities. A society that uses these tools would require a dependence on the steadfast character of those in power, a widespread scientific understanding of the basic principles, a willingness to change, a carefully revised cultural tradition, a preventative and analytical perspective on healthcare, and a semi-unified, minimally mythological belief system.
Concerns that only the rich would have access to modify their children could possibly be offset by governmental programs that essentially put everyone on a similar page with respect to health defects (potentially cheaper than providing healthcare to all of the issues that genetic defects may cause). After some time, a simple set of benefits may become part and parcel of prenatal care.

The impetus for all of this will eventually be the understanding that we simply cannot sustain current growth and remain within the confines of planet earth. Steps will be made to reduce population growth, and in years to come we will see more repressive programs such as China's child-bearing policies. Crops will be genetically modified for higher yields in harsher environments and smaller spaces (this is already happening). Genetic modification of human beings will allow for a more efficient existence, but we will inevitably be pushed up against a wall.

What's required is an upheaval of our current way of thinking. And there are simple steps everyone can take to throw out the old guard. Read a book, contribute to culture, keep up on science, criticize cultural traditions . .. etc etc.