Monday, February 09, 2009

"there is no greater love than the love i've found amongst this strange, strange world.'

(quote: mookfish, video: Moab, UT, 2008. Look for the synchronized shiver)

My good friend is off again. This time for the Honduras. And then on to Turkey to teach English. And though I know he has left before, there is some slightly subtle difference now. Like that was training; neccessary, beautiful, enlightening, but still preparation for what he's into now. He's a teacher, and I don't mean that he has gone through the academic channels and become certified and followed rules (though he has done that as well), but he is a shaman, a sensei, a wiseman to be consulted on big decisions and with big questions. So the regular teaching thing doesn't quite work. He has to travel, meet students in classrooms or beaches or campgrounds or bars. And there isn't always a lesson plan, or some specific gem of wisdom to be passed on. Sometimes he just asks the right question, sheds the right light, helps you to step back and frame your quandary/question/naivete in the large and in the small. Sometimes he does these things without even saying a word. I don't know how he would react to this, because he is as humble as they come, but he has taught me about as much as any one person has. Some of the things only now am I understanding. So, it's so great to see him go. And struggle with the anxiety and excitement, knowing that he has carved out some destiny for himself. Good luck, brother. You ever need anything, look me up.