Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thank You

One of my favorite professors of all time has passed away in a house fire that devastated a neighborhood in southeast Boise. In a matter of five weeks, she changed the way I think about language and thus altered the course of my career and personal philosophy. Her enthusiasm was contagious, her warmth to her students unprecedented, and her teaching abilities nonpareil. Thanks, Professor Ryder, for your dedication and your encouragement, you have had a profound impact on me and many, many other students. I just wish I could have had one more class with you.


Christina Najla LaRose said...

hey - really sorry to hear this. let me know if you want to talk or vent, or if you need anything at all.


Anonymous said...

My condolences, Brad, that's shitty to hear.

tkhoveringhead said...

Thanks bro.