Saturday, June 07, 2008

"The Universe is an Intelligence Test"

(video: "The End of the World Cult")

I thought of eventually working in academia as a reasonable career. Surround myself with words at the very least, receive money for food and rent for talking about things I love. But there is something more to this now. There is weakness in academia, poly-solipsism fragmenting the study of life entire into mutually exclusive shards, resentment and fear staring over those thick black lines into that which you do not study. I think writers should know physics, Engineers should understand color, business majors should read about anthropology. There's no way to really do this in the current system, all the spoils of discipline to the autodidacts, but maybe if someone tried . . .

Last night I had a dream that I was afflicted with Amputee Identity Disorder and while living in a root cellar in Arusha I used hedge clippers to cut off the tip of my thumb and my left pinkie as a whole. There was no pain but a sort of relief, a throbbing dissipated that I didn't even recognize until it was gone. Everything else suddenly more in focus. And then upon awaking, how pleasant to see my hands intact.

Added a "Short Stories" link on the upper-right. That'll be the home for new things as they hit PDF export button. Thanks.


J.K.Scott said...

The link to 'One or Two' actually links to 'Sleep is No Mean Art'. Fix that shit so I can read it.

tkhoveringhead said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tkhoveringhead said...

Should work now. A freshly edited version as well.