Friday, January 25, 2008


A fantastic overview of the rest of my time in Africa.

Back to something resembling a grind. Two classes with substantial work right off the bat. But I've been hustling in the limbo since last semester and I've got a stack of things to submit. Learned to write something excruciatingly simple in this spare two weeks since returning.. I'll post it here next week after some strange-er eyes than thine have seen it. It's starting to seem that the point is to get as close as possible to writing 'nothing'. That is, our subconscious is not linguistic and thus our experience will not ever truly be captured, so our efforts to hang decorations on our construction are often futile. And yet the beauty of language is an end of its own. Strike a balance in the smoke.

A friend of mine is shooting a film that he wrote and stars in, check out the trailer:
Person of Interest

I don't have much to say that isn't directly related to writing. There is a group of hackers calling themselves Anonymous who are systematically dismantling Scientology, which pleases me to no end. For a minute there I was overwhelmed with a sense of "missing", not loneliness exactly because I've got people here now (not a tribe, but disparate individuals cast across the 208 that I genuinely like), but a futile reaching out in the early and late hours. I've settled into it now. It's one of those vaguely negative mental states that is beautiful and useful and finite.