Monday, July 02, 2007

"You may be interested in MFA programs, ours included"

My workshop today went very well. If you have ever had workshop for any creative field, you will know that the process focuses on what aspects need work and thus most comments are focused on 'negatives'. That said, this workshop was interesting because no one unanimously agreed on something that didn't work. Some major gripes by one student were pointed out as strong (if unconventional) writing by another.

The professor, de facto the most important opinion in the class, had a lot of positive comments. After class we talked and he essentially told me that this is what I should be doing if I have the desire and that he would have likely accepted me into their MFA program had he received this story in an application. He also commented that I have a strong chance of getting into good programs around the country.

In his letter (these come with all of his responses, like a grade you might say): "Lastly, I want you to know how much I admired this story."


Anonymous said...

Well, now you have more outside confirmation of what we've all been telling you for years: you are a good writer.

I'm glad to hear this, but I knew it already. There's no surprise here.

At least now you have another avenue open to you, if you wish to take it. You can follow your dream of being a writer, I think you have what it takes to make it all the way if you wish.

Follow the path of your choosing, whatever your choice, you will succeed, bro!

Happy 4th.

Geenie said...

Good stuff, I've been spreading the word lately that just when things are compounding to reaches, you dont believe anyone could solitarily haul, I think of Fortuna, and the the good that will be to come.

I started putting some stuff up, very raw on my site-thingie doo...

And I have some time off the nest two days, and will be spending time in Ann Arbor, where I have a measure of survivalistic reading and can sit down with your next oyster. Thank you for sharing your work and allowing someone with no degree to impart what may not be simply a difference in art. I always look forward to reading your stuff, and do it in one reading with my full attention...