Thursday, June 28, 2007

''coz I been in the lab with a pen and a pad"

So, I haven't been slacking. School has focused my efforts. I wrote
this story over the past week. It will be workshopped next week.

I've actually learned quite a bit in this class. The nuts and bolts of things, the subtle things that one isn't even aware of as they read. How to hide the seams, how to control the image the reader has in their head, how to hint at things and then finally drop them just as the reader is figuring them out, how to explicate emotions with nothing but the way a character cuts against their background.

Anyway, if you get a chance to read the story . . .I'd be psyched.


Geenie said...

The link did not work for me-could you email me the goods??

Hope to chat soon..