Friday, May 04, 2007

"I never asked for nothing I didn't demand of myself"

The modern man's recoil at everything 'cept 40 straight hours of hypnosis. Collective ridicule of any iridescence or conflict or causation. Shoot anything that moves. Dig out your amygdala with a sharp stick so you can forget humanity and bleed the meaning from your suffering and joy. No time to insufflate rose essence or snap metacarpals, there is a ship to run.

Excuse the rape and plunder, Vikings knew it unacceptable to die in your sleep. How can it be any better to live as such? Let me exit the earth with blood smeared on everything, sand in my lungs. Join me on the Death Hike and let's end the day with nothing but our consciousness piled on top of rock. Scrape away everything until we've finally found ourselves.

And why do we call our only chance at freedom our 'dream'? I'd rather call this job of mine the dream and those looming things my future. The time I will truly be awake.


Anonymous said...

This really resonates with me, your way with words has just been getting better and better in the last couple of years...

I hold you in deepest respect...


Geenie said...

I looked up your Death Hike... is it a trail mapped on a Tarot card? Intrigued #1

tkhoveringhead said...

It has no website! They gentlemen organizing the event seem to be pretty rebellious. I don't think they want people to do it.
Its essentially a 17 mile race in the Sawtooth Mountains

tkhoveringhead said...

Thanks man.

Things have been seeming very real to me lately. I think it's done me good to come out here and get my blood stirred up.