Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Free Republic

Today, I was kicked off Free Republic yet again (this is the 4th or 5th time I believe). I can no longer link to my comment or the crap-ass page they developed to show me comments that members made to me. However, below is the e-mail I sent the webmaster (okay, I lie here about being a conservative and Bush voter, but that's what my profile also said [a little covert ops that likely stretched my tenure on their site a week or so]). Let me know what you think,

I am not writing to request my posting privileges be reinstated. My brief tenure at your ugly (design-wise), masturbatory, single-tract website was enough to give me the insight into the far-right mind I was looking for. For your information I, a registered Republican who voted twice for Bush (but wouldn't again, I will admit), had my posting privileges revoked for a comment (not exact quoting here as the post itself was removed as well) along the lines of "So .. . were the projections incorrect or did someone else come along and mess things up?" to an article regarding how none of our economic hardships are Bush's fault despite late-Clinton era projections of a huge surplus.

My feelings are not hurt by this, I've been kicked off of other sites (left and right, but never for such an innocuous comment). I am writing to tell you how utterly lame your website and community is: Say, for example, my comment was in bad taste (an opinion I could not possibly understand, it was simply a question any fiscal conservative should be supremely interested in). Would it be better to simply "zot" (IMO the most childish behavior I've seen since leaving middle school) me out of existence or hold up my comment to extraordinary scrutiny and provide illustrative examples of why I'm wrong (though I don't think one can be "wrong" for asking this type of question. Simply answering it, even with a strong bias, would suffice).
If there is any legitimacy to this question (and I think there is, after all, what DID happen to our budget surplus) a website interested in political discourse and the freedom of expression (values you ironically claim to uphold) would revel in the opportunity to discuss this matter at length; using the internet to spread research about economic cause and effect re: gov't spending, revealing possible media distortions about the projections themselves, presenting cost-benefit analysis of government programs. This is the kind of thing one would expect from a political community that claims to be interested in the State of the Union.
What is obvious to me, as a result of this expulsion, is that your website and community is woefully uninterested in political discussion. Even when it is NOT partisan politics. It is much easier for you and your anal retentive members to focus on the sexual transgressions of a previous president (despite his overwhelming popularity) than the widespread financial and ethical transgressions of a sitting president. And this is why your kind is becoming more irrelevant by the day, not because your Conservatives or Republicans (both of which I consider myself) but because you refuse to think. You consider anyone with a D next to their name evil and an R to be righteous, when you must know somewhere deep in your cold, ignorant hearts that it is much greyer than that. You have no concept of the precedent being set, and seem completely unable to think as much as 6 months into the future. What will a Democratic president be capable of under the precendents that Bush has set? Pre-emptive wars, warrantless wiretaps, rampant cronyism .. .You would have hung Clinton from the nearest tree if he had done a fraction of what W has done . . oh wait, you already did.

So Free Republic, wallow in your own ejaculate as you've been doing since your inception, fall all over yourself protecting a man who doesn't give a shit about you or your families, enthusiastically support a war that you wouldn't be willing to fight yourself, and most of all continue to squelch any opportunity for argument or discussion. Most of all, learn how to design a fucking website. I mean, you do hold fundraisers right?

Fuck You,